Saturday, April 10, 2010

Hallmark Dream Book

I just got my Hallmark dream book!!! When I was in high school, I worked for a little while at our local Hallmark. That is when I got started buying the Hallmark Christmas ornaments. Now, it is annual tradition. We get up early on a Saturday morning in July to visit the Hallmark Open House.

We, of course, get all of the Star Wars ornaments. Then the kids get to pick out 3 for each. Our Christmas tree is an homage to pop culture. Star Wars and Disney mainly, but we have Barbie, Harry Potter, and Indiana Jones in the mix now. It is always exciting for me to watch the kids pick out their ornaments. They never seem to pick the ones I think they will. Somehow they always throw a curve ball my way. I am betting that my daughter will want the Twilight ornament. I am not sure what my husband will think of that, but oh well.

I can't wait for July to get here!


  1. Hi - I had to stop by from the UBP. Love your blog title - it intrigued me.

  2. I am a new friend from the UBP. Such a cute blog title. Spotted it and had to visit. Can't wait to read more. Come by to say hi and enter my giveaway.
