Sunday, January 2, 2011

Follow Us Monday

Welcome to Follow Us Monday.  If you want to join in on the fun, visit Frugality is Free.

Question of the Week: Did you make any New Years Resolutions?
This is a popular question this week especially.  I did make a few New Years Resolutions.  
  The first one is that I want to work on personal growth.  I would like to learn something new or try a new hobby.   I have a friend who is trying to get me more involved in a roller derby team.   Roller derby is soooo much fun!   It is just that I am not sure if I have the time to dedicate to it. 

The second goal that I have for the year, is to continue growing as a blogger.  I would love to improve my blog and gain more followers.  

My third goal, is one of weight loss.   I made excellent progress this past year.   My goal is 60 pounds.  I have already lost 20.   I am not trying to do it fast.  I want to make healthy choices and lose it slowly and keep it off.    My biggest challenge is that when I have had set backs in my goal, I get kind of discouraged.  So I am going to work really hard this year to overcome that discouragement. 


  1. Do not get discouraged. Just try to work on one thing at a night and not accomplishing it all at once. You will get there :)


  2. No New Years Resolutions yet! One day at a time in my life...

    Following you from the Frugal Blog Hop! Come on over to Mommy Rantings and follow back!

    Regardless of resolutions, here's to a blessed and prosperous 2011!

  3. My new year's resolution is to bake no more than twice a week. Seriously. The love handles are getting ridiculous!

    I hopped on over here from the blog hop, and would love it if you followed me back!
    lovin my little ladies

  4. Love the name of your blog. I fed your fish :)

    Fellow Blog Hopper:)

  5. new follower

    your goal three is mine as well. I want to loose 50lbs.
